![Profit Clicking - Indefinitely sustainable - Probably The best advertising company ever :) Seznam forumov](http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j343/qmlanc/Profit%20Clicking/images.jpg) |
Profit Clicking - Indefinitely sustainable - Probably The best advertising company ever :) Profit Clicking - Buy Traffic Package/s and earn 150% in 81 days :))
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 30 Avg 2012 19:17 Naslov sporočila: Profit Clicking DISCUSSION - Slo - Eng :)) |
Welcome on my Profit Clicking forum.
Here are welcome all you experience an opinions about Profit Clicking company.
Vsi komentarji so lahko tudi v slovenščini
Have a wonderful day ![Wink](images/smiles/icon_wink.gif)
Nazadnje urejal/a bbs21 30 Avg 2012 20:19; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 30 Avg 2012 19:21 Naslov sporočila: |
Just Been Paid in now Profit Clicking
Te dni je razprava na internetu o JustBeenPaid v novih razmerah in prehod na ProfitClicking.
Najpogostejše vprašanje je:
Ali je to prevara (in ali bodo člani izgubili denar v JustBeenPaid).
Spet moram odgovoriti in pojasniti, kaj se dogaja.
Natančneje JustBeenPaid je še vedno tam, vendar pod drugim imenom in ni prevara!
Vsi člani, ki so registrirani morajo prehod v kolikor ga še niso iz JustBeenPaid v ProfitClicking čimprej opraviti in denar ter pozicije se bodo prenesle.
Sistem deluje in bo dokončno štartal do 06.09.2012.
Trenutno se že lahko prijavite in boste videli svoj denar na računu. Lahko že tudi registrirate nove člane, ostalo opravite kasneje ob zaključku optimizacije, ko bodo preseljeni vsi računi. Trenutno se vse skenira in prenaša iz JBP računa v novi sistem, ki je zasnovan za desetletja poslovanja.
Sistem poleg nakupa prometa nudi tudi dodatne zaslužke z matricami.
Vsi novi in stari člani, ki niso imeli denarja za večje naložbe bodo imeli priložnost, da pridejo do naložb z lastnim delom. Kot že ime pove, bodo plačila tudi na klik, ko sistem začne delovati.
Lastnik JusBeenPaid (Frederick Mann), ki je upokojeni v zvezi z družbo, vendar je še vedno prisoten in ima nadzor nad sistemom, Saj ne želi, da kdo zlorablja popoln sistem, kar lahko privede do propada celotne zgodbe.
To besedilo je namenjeno za starejše člane, saj vedo prav dobro, kakšne težave so doživeli na JBP do sedaj in vse je bilo uspešno premagano. Nihče ni goljufal, da bi bili prikrajšani za denar ali kaj drugega. Bilo je malo zamude, ampak na koncu so bili vsi vedno poplačani.
Kaj se bo zgodilo v prihodnosti? Novi sistem je izboljšan z novo spletno stranjo in tako odpravlja možnost napak,varnosti, ki so se dogodile do sedaj. Po novem do tega ne bo več prišlo. Kdor posluje preko interneta več kot 8 let naj nadaljuje in ne bo nikoli razočaran, saj je skromnost vrlina lenim in neizobraženim.
Vedno sem vsem svetoval, da za poslovanje preko interneta, so bistveni nekateri koraki do uspeha, zato zdaj opozarjam na to. Če želite biti uspešni, morate upoštevati nekaj korakov:
1.Osnove poznavanje računalnika
2. Dostop do Interneta.
3.Moraš imeti banko, s katerimi delaš na netu: SolidTrustPay, Payoneer, Payza, EgoPay, PayPal ..... Tudi znanje o Bankah je potrebno imeti.
4.Vključiti se v internetno poslovanje, in ne prelagati na druge – mentorje, da bi namesto vas delali.
5. Končno so mentorji, da vam pomagajo pri težavah, ko naletite nanje.
JBP se je pojavil na našem območju (februar 2011), od trenutka, ko sem izvedel o njem, februarja 2012, so nekateri člani zapustili ostale programe in so osredotočili svojo pozornost na JBP, to je bila prava odločitev.
V JBP delam največ 30 minut na dan. Z načrtom bilance, nakupom in to je to. Od virov in predstavitev JBP lahko lepo zaslužite in date možnost tudi drugim ljudem, da občutijo prednosti tega sistema, in s tem povečate svoj dobiček v izjemnem obsegu. V mojem omrežju so ljudje ki zaslužijo več sto dolarjev na dan, in ne samo za lastni interes.
Za vse našteto so nesporna dejstva in vsi dokazi z argumenti.
Ne bodite v paniki in ne dvomite v dragulj tega sistema na internetu, namesto da bi šli na delo v najkrajšem možnem času.
S pozdravi!
Če še nisi član Profit Clicking-a se nam lahko pridružiš TUKAJ ![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 12 Sep 2012 13:11 Naslov sporočila: Profit clicking news |
Hello everyone. As was mentioned, profit clicking is almost completed for 100% functionality. Buying new advertising packages ( jss positions old) in now activated. Expect over the next 48 hours to have the ability to change your membership profiles and the ability to request withdrawals from your accounts.
Please be patient as we complete the final pieces
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 15 Sep 2012 09:12 Naslov sporočila: PC Clarification |
PC Clarification
New ad packages that have been purchased since the migration are earning income now when a member views 3 sites per day. If you have packages that were purchased prior to the migration, you will start to earn on those over the next few days.
Stay tuned here for further updates and directions on how to increase your income with our Traffic Exchanges system! Plus, there are many more products that will be released over the next weeks and months.
Again we want to thank all of you for your patience and understanding as we make these enhancements to better serve you and our retail clients. |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 27 Sep 2012 19:20 Naslov sporočila: |
Members can from 20.9.2012 make daily withdrawals up to $250.00 per transaction from their wallet balance to the processor of choice.
Each withdrawal will show as pending until the transfer is complete. At this time, members can request one withdrawal per day. All processors have an eight percent fee (8%) except Solid Trust Pay which is four percent (4%). All fees are deducted from the withdrawal amount.
Daily withdrawals and earnings are sometimes delayed because PC support is still working on it to complete. It is already a first priority for IT team. Thank you for your patience. |
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Pridružen/-a: 01.10. 2012, 11:26 Prispevkov: 1
Objavljeno: 01 Okt 2012 11:38 Naslov sporočila: |
bbs21 je napisal/a: |
Members can from 20.9.2012 make daily withdrawals up to $250.00 per transaction from their wallet balance to the processor of choice.
Each withdrawal will show as pending until the transfer is complete. At this time, members can request one withdrawal per day. All processors have an eight percent fee (8%) except Solid Trust Pay which is four percent (4%). All fees are deducted from the withdrawal amount.
Daily withdrawals and earnings are sometimes delayed because PC support is still working on it to complete. It is already a first priority for IT team. Thank you for your patience. |
In kaksen je tvoj donos odkar si v tem sistemu ? |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 01 Okt 2012 13:45 Naslov sporočila: |
Zdravo Grintal
Dobrodošel na mojem PC forumu
Preprost odgovor na tvoje vprašanje:
V sistem PC, prej JBP, sem se upisal februarja letos ( februar 2012 )
ter vložil testnih 200€. Ker je sistem deloval popolno sem marca vložil še
dodatnih 500€. Danes mi PC prinaša že dodatno plačo, ki se lahko primerja z podpovprečno plačo v Sloveniji.
Seveda zaslužek raste v razmerju 80% reinvesticija, 20% izplačila iz sistema
Dokazila o izplačilih bodo občasno objavljena pod menijem "Profit Clicking Payment proofs"
Lep dan
PC admin |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 29 Okt 2012 14:01 Naslov sporočila: PC updates |
What everyone has to realize is that we are still in pre-launch, everything isn't perfect yet, the official launch isn't till Jan 2013.
The company is working feverishly to make sure that the infrastructure is in place to handle the accelerated growth we're going to experience @ the beginning of the year.
Now is the time to for us to be getting our foundations built & getting our Key People in position @ the head of our matrices, cause come the beginning of the year EVERYBODY is going to be looking for ways to generate more cash flow to pay off that holiday debt & the cost of getting started in a new business is going to be a factor...Penny Matrix is going to be the Obvious Solution!!!
I bid you Peace, Blessings & Abundance in All aspects of your life! |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 29 Okt 2012 14:07 Naslov sporočila: |
PC Panels are Now Live!
The PC Panel Program is an Elite Traffic Exchange Program which maximizes your Profit Clicking earnings and offers variable ways of benefiting through added earnings of $60 per finalized PC Panel. To learn more about the PC Panels, select the FAQ link AFTER logging into your account. |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 06 Nov 2012 12:00 Naslov sporočila: |
If you choose to grow your account, now is the best time to purchase adspack and to promote your affiliate link.
All ads packs you purchase now will not participate in Profitshift.
The chances are very good that there won't be another Profit Shift for about 90 days,
meaning the Adpacks you buy now will mature, paying out up to 150%, before the next ProfitShift.
Profitshift is not a bad thing. It makes Profitclicking Indefinitely Sustainable!
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 07 Nov 2012 16:02 Naslov sporočila: |
Good news!
Starting around mid-November, we plan to pay daily withdrawals within 48 hours. This will dramatically reduce the time it takes for your current withdrawals to be paid. We'll also do our best to increase the current daily limit of $250 per member per payment processor. We'll continue paying out the withdrawals waiting in the queue. Paying all of them may take a month or more.
Our personnel have been working very hard to improve the services we provide to our Profit Clicking members. We're glad to announce that a Profit Shift will be done on or about 10th November, 2012. Our Profit Shift Education materials should be ready within a week, so you'll be able to find out how the ProfitShift works and why it's necessary from time to time.
You'll also be glad to know that our Profit Shift system is designed so in the long run it will enable you to earn even more.
The "position cut-off date" is 25th October, 2012. This date will not be changed. This means that all Adpacks bought on or after 25th October, 2012 will NOT be affected by the Profit Shift. So any Adpacks you buy from now on will not be affected by the coming Profit Shift.
The best time to buy Adpacks is immediately after a Profit Shift. Any Adpacks you buy during the coming weeks will effectively be the same as buying Adpacks immediately after a Profit Shift. The chances are very good that there won't be another ProfiShift for about 90 days, meaning the Adpacks you buy now will mature, paying out 150%, before the next Profit Shift.
The "account cut-off date" will be 15th October, 2012. This date is fixed. It means that Adpack accounts opened on or afer this date will not be affected by the coming Profit Shift. This applies to all the Adpacks bought for these accounts.
This is also a great time to promote Profit Clicking, because new accounts and their Adpacks will not be affected by the coming Profi tShift. Also, any Adpacks for existing Adpack accounts, bought on or after 15th October, 2012, will not be affected by the coming Profit Shift.
Working for our wealth and success, |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 02 Jan 2013 14:34 Naslov sporočila: |
We're starting your New Year off with a
Folks ...we've experienced such an
overwhelming demand for an extension of
the 3% "Profit Explosion" promotion we
just couldn't say "NO" to our members.
In answer to your demands we have extended
our 3% promotion date until January 15,
2013! Go ahead!! Pop those numbers into
the Potential Earnings Calculator. Take a
look at how easily your financial future
can be altered to be what you've always
wanted it to be. It's all within your
reach now!
Just look at our top earners many of whom
who have enjoyed six figure and even
higher incomes. This can be you this
year!! Now is the time to grab that
opportunity it starts with 3% daily
earnings until maturity on all Ad Packs
purchased with new funding from now until
Jan 15th 2013. Instead of bringing in the
New Year with "Auld Lang Syne" bring in
your New Year with "Profits - Profits -
We have come such a long way in 2012 and
the Profit Clicking future has never
looked brighter for our members. Our
ProfitShift System checks have now been
concluded which is wonderful news since
this means, that all future ProfitShifts
will happen seamlessly. To view your
ProfitShift results please go to your
dashboard and click on "My ProfitShift
Center." Many of you will find a surprise
of an additional $20 worth of PC Panels
added to your account
In addition your earned PC Panels are
expected to be introduced into the system
so you can start earning on them within
the next few weeks, so get ready!"
But there was much more this year! On Dec
27th our excited hosts welcomed their
first guests into Abby's Open House. The
schedule can be found at:
There is more to know however about
Abby's. For those that don't know - Abby's
Open House is the latest in a powerful
arsenal of business-building tools that we
have made available for our members and we
are just getting started.
Abby's opens a new world of opportunity
for members who want to build their PC
business but struggle with having to
explain to others. All you have to do now
to enjoy 10% referral earnings on your
first level and 5% on your second level is
to share the PC opportunity with others.
We will take over from there.
The invitation to Abby's Open House will
be part of their "Welcome to PC" email.
Once they enter Abby's our hosts will take
over from there. You can rest assured that
your referrals will be warmly welcomed and
that all their new member questions will
be answered. Our hosts will ensure that
your referrals will be able to do their
free test drive immediately and therefore
realize their first profits within 24
hours without spending a dime of their own
money! It doesn't get any easier than
That is only the beginning of the Abby
story. Until we have Abby's perfectly
reflecting our standards of excellence -
we are maintaining a limited schedule
while we fine-tune. Shortly we will be
expanding Abby's Open House hours as well
as being able to offer the same service in
many languages.
If you haven't done so yet please be sure
to check out the Build-Your-Business area
where regardless of your experience in
online marketing you will find websites
ready for you to earn with along with
banners - pre-approved ads and much more.
All of which of course contain your
affiliate id so you can simply "select -
click and earn."
But - we know some of you are impatient
and are wanting to fast-track your
profits.. If you can't wait - then our
Training Center is the answer for you.
Regardless of what assistance you need our
marketing experts are there to train you!
Be sure to join in on one of our live
Trainings sessions. Our professional
trainers are waiting to help you skyrocket
your business into speedy profits. Take
advantage of the experiences of those who
have succeeded before you.
There is so much more to share but we will
draw to a close now. Before we do we want
to share a neat little feature to make
your life easier and more fun. On your
dashboard you will find the buttons for
"View Websites" are now visible in 3
dynamic colours. If you viewed less than 3
websites - the buttons will appear red. If
you have viewed up to 21 sites (which is 7
days worth of earnings) the buttons will
be orange. Finally if you have viewed 22
or more websites (maximum to be banked is
45 days worth which is 135 websites) the
buttons will appear in green.
You can now see at a glance where your
earnings for the day stand never again
will you forget to view your websites.
This little feature is all about making
earning with PC a breeze and we have many
such features coming just around the
corner. We'll give you just a hint -- you
can look forward in the New Year to our
Instant Earning feature and so much more!
Imagine - instant gratification - instant
Did you know that a few days ago we
successfully used our SMS notification
feature? Yes - SMS is working and working
well. You will be able to see your
earnings reflected on our phone as they
come in. Caching - Caching - Caching! is
the sound of 2013.
We're wrapping up an incredible year
folks. It has not always been smooth
sailing for us or for our members but the
hard times are behind us. 2013 will be an
amazing PC year. We will be unveiling more
and more of PC Profit Machines all
designed with your profits in mind in the
coming weeks. If you have always wanted to
succeed financially and thought that it
couldn't happen - know that you are in
fact in the right place at the right time.
Profit Clicking is "profits made simple"
literally. Our loyal members have seen
nothing yet.
We thank you sincerely for all of your
help and support and above all the
patience you have offered us. We promise
you PC is not just here to stay - it is
here to be an "Online Profit Explosion."
PC is the company that is putting profits
into the hands of the 98% who usually are
left without. 2013 will be a turning of
the tide for those who grab this
3% per day - don't forget - it's only
until Jan 15trh - we simply cannot extend
beyond this. Make your New Year profitable
starting today. Fund your account - grab
your Ad Packs and share the opportunity
and let us help your referrals. Then
simply collect the profits.
It is that simple. Happy New Year!
Working for our wealth and success always,
Profit Clicking Team
Nazadnje urejal/a bbs21 08 Jan 2013 22:45; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 08 Jan 2013 15:57 Naslov sporočila: |
Nadgradnja PC panelov že poteka in bo tekom tega tedna uradno aktivirana !!!
Ne pozabite, da vsaki štirje potekli ads paketi prinesejo 1 PC panel. Vsi tisti ki panelov še niste prejeli od restartov se bo to zgodilo zelo kmalu, prosim bodite potrpežljivi.
Priporočeno je nadgraditi prvi in drugi level v matrici z nitro pospeševalnikom - To storite tako, da najprej izberete prvi in drugi level in zatem izberete nitro in potrdite plačilo - za to nadgradnjo porabite 20$ in imaste prednost pred izplačili 60$ za matrico . Ko se vsa polja zopolnijo panel izplača 60$. Warp in nuke nadgradnja trenutno še ni mogoča. Čas polnjenja panelov traja od 1-12 mesecov, odvisno od stopnje nadgradnje in seveda tudi od tega, koliko imate novih kuplenih ads paketov in paketov kupljenih od vaših referalnih, vendar ne pozabite, referalni niso pogoj za polnjenje panelov !
Če si zaineresiran spremeniti svoje življenje in postati finančno neodvisen lahko začneš potovanje v perspektivno prihodnost TUKAJ
![](http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j343/qmlanc/Profit%20Clicking/PCpanelfull.jpg) |
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bbs21 Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 41
Objavljeno: 08 Jan 2013 22:40 Naslov sporočila: |
Folks ...
Make Up to $1000 an Hour with No Purchase! This update is devoted to our many promoters who actually cause Profit Clicking to be the huge success it has become!
But why wouldn't they - many are making up to $1000 an hour per referral! Keep in mind, your referral can buy up to 1000 ad packages an hour, and you will earn $1 per ad package! Take a look at the "Build Your Business" area for more details:
But bear in mind while you can earn up to $1000 an hour per referral don't miss the January 15th 2013 3% "Profit Explosion" deadline. You have less than 8 days left to buy Ad Packages that will earn you 3% each and every day for the life of the AdPack. How could that change your finances virtually immediately? Don't guess! Take advantage of finding out just how easily you can be earning hundreds if not thousands a day- our Potential Earnings Calculator makes this easy.
Go to your dashboard - click on the Potential Earnings Calculator and fill in the blanks. Take a look at how quickly your financial future can be altered to be just what you want it to be.
Take action before it's too late January 15th is right around the corner. With Profit Clicking the steps to earning even a million dollars or more are this simple:
1. Decide how much you want to earn and how quickly
2. Use the calculator to determine how many Ad Packs it would take to accomplish this
3. Fund your wallet
4. Buy Ad Packs
5. View 3 websites per day or reserve them for up to 45 days
6. Check your earnings daily and maximize your income
7. Share your results with others
8. Congratulations now you're making even more!
It is this easy to join our top earners some of which have earned over a million dollars already!
By the way we have made it virtually impossible for you to forget to view your 3 websites a day. We have added this very cool feature to the "View Websites" buttons If you have viewed less than 3 websites (which would mean you wouldn't earn that day) then the buttons will be red. If you have viewed up to 21 sites (which is 7 days worth of earnings) the buttons will be orange. Finally if you have viewed 22 or more websites (the maximum that can be reserved is 45 days worth which is 135 websites) the buttons will be green. No more guessing!
But folks … the excitement doesn't stop there - because this week our PC Panels have ignited and they are going like hot cakes!
For the many members with PC Panels who have been waiting for us to finish the PC Panel accelerator program? Well it's done! .. and members are "accelerating" their PC Panel earnings at a frightening rate. How can you take advantage of the massive income that filling your PC Panels generates? Simply decide whether you want to "IGNITE" them - "TURBO" charge them or "NITRO"ize them. Buy the accelerator of your choice and watch your income explode.
So now you know just some of the ways you too can join the 6 figure crowd. But we have made building your business even simpler yet!
Now you don't have to speak to anyone. Abby's Open House takes care of all of your new member referrals. Abby's is currently open twice a day - these hours will be expanding shortly - check out the schedule.
Do you have someone new? Are you new and maybe not clear on just what a tremendous opportunity you've landed in? Then Abby's is the place for you and all your new referrals. We do the work for you. Our friendly hosts will ensure that any speed bumps that might impede your early success are smoothed out. Come see us at Abby's!...
… AND - if you are already earning and want to "turboize" your profits - check out our daily in depth trainings. We have seasoned professionals waiting to help you
Working for our wealth and success always, |
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Pridružen/-a: 09.02. 2013, 09:13 Prispevkov: 5 Kraj: CELJE
Objavljeno: 09 Feb 2013 10:14 Naslov sporočila: |
Lep pozdrav usem na forumu.
Prosim za odgovor,če kdo ve zakaj že
en teden nisem prejel dobička od adpack. _________________ DENAR DELA DENAR |
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Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu